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Opinion of the Russian endoscopist
AMA RUT Expert - the NEW Revolutionary Rapid Urease Test for Helicobacter pylori detection
لماذا يختار جراحي المناظير
AMA RUT Expert
AMA RUT Reader
لا حاجة الى الانتظار ومراقبة تغير اللون - التحقق التلقائي للنسيج لكسب الوقت
يقلل من وقت التحليل باستخدام التقييم الحركي لنتيجة الاختبار: يتوقف الجهاز تلقائيا ويسجل النتائج في وقت وجيز
التركيز على المريض: الطبيب يصبح حرا في حين
AMA RUT Expert
يكشف عن الهيليكوباكتر بيلوري رقميا
٪حساسية عالية - 98
للزيادة بفضل القراءة الرقمية التي تعطي نتائج أكثر دقة من العين البشرية
-HP أو +HP،++ HP ،+++НР نتيجة شبه كمية
٪100 - خصوصية عالية
زيادة بفضل
عنصر حاس وجاف يكشف عن اليورياز الموجود في عينة النسيج في الحال ، وليس بعد ساعات
AMA RUT Expert هيكل
يضمن فقط ردة فعل الهدف
اليوريا + ماء
غاز الأمونيا +
ثاني أكسيد الكربون
معزز بتعدد النسيج
يزيد من فرص العثور على اليورياز من أجزاء مختلفة من المعدة
ويمكن إرسال عينات النسيج نفسه لمزيد من التحليل => تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل => الهستولوجيا
من التحليل
Biopsia Múltiple
Mini instruction for AMA RUT Expert
Mini instruction for AMA RUT Expert with digital Reader
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.AMA RUT Reader مع AMA RUT Expert تعليمات حول
How exactly is the result presented?AMA RUT Reader presents the result as a scrolling message, for example "HP+++ (2)" or "HP-"
How will I know it is time to change battery?The status of the batteries is monitored automatically. Replace the batteries when the battery symbol starts to blink (about 10 more tests can still be done).
Can I leave the test with biopsy in the Reader for the long period if I have other urgent tasks?Yes, you can leave the test in the Reader. The Reader will examine it and save the result. You can see it as you switch the Reader on.
Why is it possible to save time using AMA RUT Reader?The higher the urease activity in biopsy is, the faster the detection time. Thus, you will get some positive results immediately or within 1, 2, 4 minutes. As the Reader detects positive results - it autostops. Then the audible beep will tell you to pay attention on the Reader. Thus, you don't have to wait, check time or follow the colouring during rapid urease test detection.
There are several rooms for gastroscopy in our hospital. A lot of patients. How can I manage to check next biopsy if the reader hasn't finished with the previous ones?You should have the second Reader. In some hospitals they buy 3 and 4 ones to be able to provide up to 4 examination simultaneously.
I put two biopsies from the different parts of the stomach from left to right on AMA RUT Expert and I see that the reaction under the first one is small, and under the second one is very intensive. But the Reader shows the result for the first biopsy only. Why?"The Reader starts examination with the first area (with the first biopsy on it), then - the second area, then - the third. As it detects the positive result - it stops reading and shows the positive result on the display due to the statement that the patient is HP-positive if any biopsy from any part of the stomach is positive.
I do not want to buy batteries for the Reader. Can it operate from AC power?Yes, it can operate from AC power. Just connect AC/DC USB adapter and a specific USB cable.
Can I use another cable?No, only the supplied specific cable can be used. This cable contains a card with a chip to decrypt the data. This is necessary to prevent unauthorized transmission of patients' personal data. No other cable will work with the reader.
We would like to locate the Reader on the windowsill, but it shows the errow "ERR 0x04". What does it mean?"The error "ERR 0x04" means - during the self-verification the Reader has detected the unwanted light that interferes in the reading. According to instruction for use - Do not use the Reader in direct sunlight or exposed to bright light while the readings of the Test are being taken. In this case the results can be false. Please do not expose the Reader to strong light. It is designed for use in endoscopy, which is usually obscured.
I want to use the Reader with batteries only. Can you recommend any exact manufacture of batteries?As we noticed, the difference in duration of lithium battery life exists, but it is insignificant. The most expensive batteries work only a little longer than usual ones.
How many examinations can be done with one set of batteries?Fresh batteries allow about 50-60 tests to be performed.
إستمارة الطلب
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AMA-Med Oy
AMA Co Ltd
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